Board of Directors
The Property Owners of Shenandoah Farms (POSF) has an Annual Election that is held at our Annual Meeting in September in every year on the Second Saturday of the Month. All are encouraged to attend the meeting and cast your vote. POSF is always ready to welcome new Board Members and new Volunteers! Please contact the POSF Office if you would like more information.
If you are unable to attend the meeting, you can cast your ballot by dropping by the POSF Office, placing it in the dropbox outside the POSF Office or mailing the ballot to the POSF. The ballots are available in the POSF Newsletter, on this website or you can pick up a ballot at the POSF Office.

Doris Harrington, Chairman
Ms. Harrington is a Director from the Mountain Lake District (10/2021-9/2024) and is the Chairman of the POSF Board of Directors. She retired to Shenandoah Farms in 2018. Her family has owned property here since the 1960’s so this has always been a special place for her.

Ralph Rinaldi, Road Chairman
Mr. Rinaldi is serving as the Riverview Director, Ralph has in the past held chairman, vice Chairman as well as Common Property Chairman. He has lived in the Farms since 1995

Stephanie Shaefer, Recreation Chairman
Ms. Shaefer is a Director from the RiverView District (9/2020-9/2024) where she has owned property for over 20 years. As a member of the Recreation Committee, she is interested in projects that bring our community together, and protect the Shenandoah River, the land around it, and the beautiful community in which we live. Stephanie currently works part-time as a Child and Family Counselor for an elementary school.

Paul DiFranco, Treasurer
Mr. DiFranco is a Director representing the Ridge District (9/2017-9/2023) and has been a resident since 2001. He currently serves as both the Treasurer for the POSF BOD and the Finance Committee Chair until 2022.

Roger Roberts, Executive Secretary
Mr. Roberts serves on the POSF BOD as an Officer and At Large Director (9/2019-9/2023). He has been a resident since 2001.

Rex Christensen, Vice Chairman
Rex Christensen, serves as a Ridge Director & Planning Committee Chairman. Rex is a Developer.

Joshua Weber
New to the POSF Board in 2024, very tech Savey and ready to help in any way he can! Great asset to the POSF BOD.

Patrick Skelley
Patrick has served on POSF Board for over 15 years and is actively involved in common property improvements, also our quick fix maintaince guy!

Lisa Blansett, POSF Office Manager
Lisa has been actively involved in all phases of the Shenandoah Farms operations for over 20 + years, served as a Board member for over 10 years then Office manager for the last few. Property owned in Mountain Lake District.